
Innovasol S.A.

Solar energy is clean and inexhaustible. We have the ability to use it.

The Initiative

With the aim of creating a clean and sustainable source of energy, Fundación SOLYDES set up Innovasol S.A. through Inversores Asociados.

Innovasol is an investment vehicle that promotes green initiatives in Bolivia. The program focuses on applications that boost the use of solar photovoltaic energy.

Innovasol leases solar installations to provide users with a solar energy system at no cost. The purpose of these self-generation systems is to reduce the use of electricity from non-renewable sources and replace these with clean energy. The system enables the user to replace more than 50% of the energy from non-renewable sources.

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  • Economic and financial analysis of the user’s energy consumption
  • Customized design and engineering of the solar energy system
  • Installation of the top-quality photovoltaic system
  • Operation and maintenance to ensure an uninterrupted service and the maximum possible efficiency

Innovasol S.A.

The Project's Impact

35 plants operating

755 kWp of installed capacity

500 tons of C02 mitigated

1,156,096 kWh of clean energy generated


We are committed to caring for the environment by implementing clean energy technologies that protect our ecosystem.

Visit the Project Website
Visit Us
  • Av. Hernando Siles
    Edificio Fernando Romero - 5th Floor
    La Paz, Bolivia
Contact Us
  • +591 2 278 5052
Opening Hours
  • Monday - Friday
  • 9:00 - 17:00 hrs