
Innovasalud S.A.

We offer good quality preventive healthcare to the most vulnerable groups.

Our Commitment

Given that most people in Bolivia do not have health insurance and are unable to access affordable medical services when they need them, Fundación SOLYDES set up Innovasalud S.A. in partnership with the NGO PRO MUJER.

The company's purpose is to improve people’s health by selling pre-paid medical insurance that provides primary healthcare coverage. The emphasis is on preventive care, to forestall deterioration in the patient’s health.

Visit the Website

The Program

The program’s objective is to provide primary healthcare services to microfinance clients, the majority of whom are self-employed workers in the country’s main cities and rural areas.

The initiative provides self-employed workers and their families with insurance to protect them against the risk of illness. The service focuses on treating the most common diseases and injuries, providing essential medicines, immunization campaigns, and services to prevent and control endemic diseases.

Innovasalud S.A. offers:

  • An inclusive, universal, cost-effective, reliable and good quality product
  • Complementarity with public health insurance and long-term social security schemes
  • Trained nurses and paramedics
  • Preventive care and health education
  • Pharmacies network

Innovasalud S.A.

The Program's Impact

30 medical branches operating

108,779 people provided with medical care

Coverage in 17 municipalities


We care about the health of Bolivian families.

Visit the Project Website
Visit Us
  • Av. Hernando Siles
    Edificio Fernando Romero - 5th Floor
    La Paz, Bolivia
Contact Us
  • +591 2 278 5052
Opening Hours
  • Monday - Friday
  • 9:00 - 17:00 hrs